Jean-Pierre Tutusaus
JEAN PIERRE TUTUSAUS Euro-geologist n° 1274 is a recognized expert in the profession
17 countries covered, 53 missions completed, 40 years of professional experience
Jean-Pierre Tutusaus has over 40 years of experience in exploration management and mining strategy. He started his professional activities in 1994 after many years at the French Ministry of Cooperation as an expert in mining development.
He has been a technical advisor on mining and exploration to the governments of Mauritania, Côte d'Ivoire and Cameroon. He has also worked as a mining consultant for a French engineering company and as a commercial manager for some engineering companies. He is now working in DR Congo as an independent expert after having been exploration manager for several mining companies.
His professional experience covers the following fields
Mining exploration and development
Project generation and selection of mining targets
Audit and evaluation in accordance with international standards (43-101, PERC, JORC, VALMIN,)
Negotiation and JV, expertise and audits
Geological mapping and remote sensing;
Engineering and mining and industrial equipment;
Institutional audits (mining law and taxation, organization and procedures);
Economic and feasibility studies
Communications and Public Relations
He provides services in :
Audit and evaluation of mining and exploration projects
Audit of mining strategies and legislation (institutional and private)
Mining and geological exploration
Economic evaluation and project management
Business plan and market studies.

le moyen de transport le plus tout terrain qui soit !