Applied research
Consulting, exploration, evaluation, development, trading
Artisanal sites, cooperatives, PEPM - PR , PE , governance & procedures
We welcome investors and mining projects

Mining Exploration & Project Management
Mineral exploration is the process of finding new reserves to exploit. Exploration programs are designed to go through a series of "Stop-Go" stages to control the very high commercial risk involved in the process (Fig. 2, 5, 9). These five steps are commonly described as the mineral exploration cycle
Program design - area selection, organization, budgeting
Reconnaissance ("grass roots") - regional evaluation, target selection
Detailed surface and subsurface exploration follow-up - leading to discovery
Exploration evaluation
Feasibility study on the opportunity of a mining operation
Mining exploration is essential in the supply chain of the minerals industry. In the early stages of exploration, risk is highest and expenditures are lowest. Risk decreases and expense increases as the process continues. The chances of success can be modified and the rate of new discoveries can be increased by the development of new technologies.
MIRA International has all the skills to organize and carry out an exploration program in accordance with international standards

Audit and certification
NI 43-101, PERC, JORC
ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, 31001, 45001
The objective of the Code is to provide a minimum standard for public reporting and to ensure that such reports contain all the information that investors and their professional advisors might reasonably require and expect to find in the report, for the purpose of making a reasoned and balanced judgment about the reported exploration results, mineral resources or mineral reserves.
The main principles governing the operation and application of the Code are transparency, materiality, competence and fairness.
Transparency requires that the reader of a public report be provided with sufficient information in a clear and unambiguous format.
Materiality requires that a public report contain all relevant information available at the date of publication that investors and their professional advisors might reasonably require and expect to find in a public report in order to make a reasoned and balanced judgment about the exploration results, mineral resources or mineral reserves presented.
Competence requires that the public report be based on work that is the responsibility of appropriately qualified and experienced persons who are subject to applicable professional codes of ethics and conduct.
Impartiality requires that the author of the public report be satisfied and able to state without reservation that his or her work has not been unduly influenced by the organization, company, or individual who commissioned a public report or a report that may become a public report; that all assumptions are documented; and that all material aspects that the informed reader may need to make a reasonable and balanced judgment are adequately disclosed.
Jean Pierre Tutusaus is Euro-Geologist No. 1427 and is recognized as a Competent Person under NI 43-101, PERC, JORC. and is able to produce reports that are presentable before any private or public institution.

Institutional & legal assistance
Two aspects are covered by this activity
Institutional assistance to state bodies, in particular all that concerns the reforms of the mining code and regulatory texts, but also the participation in the drafting of publication codes in conformity with the JORC, NI 43-101 and PERC codes within the framework of CRIRSCO. Jean Pierre Tutusaus Eurogeologue is a recognized expert in codes and procedures and can provide effective support to state administrations in this area.
Legal assistance to mining companies, this activity can be devolved to the law firm Kunantu and Associates.
Indeed, many mining operators, whether national or foreign, regularly need independent assistance in bringing their activities into conformity with Congolese law.
Moreover, Janvier Kabonwa and Kunantu Law Firm are particularly well-equipped to help set up mining projects that are in line with the law.

Design Operation and production
"It is a tragic illusion to think that there is a "ready-made" plant capable of processing all ores. Anyone who offers you a turnkey plant without having carefully studied the nature and processing of the ores contained in the deposit is a liar or an adventurer. No two processes are the same from one deposit to another.
In order to successfully develop a mineral processing plant project, the following steps must be taken
Choice and sizing of crushers and mills according to the volumes to be treated and the hardness of the ore
Choice and sizing of the reactors according to the metallurgical characteristics of the ore to be treated and the average grades to be entered in the plant
Sizing and selection of electrolysis facilities according to the physicochemical parameters of the ore.
Sizing and selection of decanters according to the physical nature of the ore milled
Sizing and selection of filters according to the granulometry of the product
Sizing and selection of SX plants (leaching) according to the characteristics of the ore to be beneficiated
Sizing and selection of the acid plant necessary for leaching (this element is fundamental in that the presence of impurities or not, the granulometry and the hardness of the ore can considerably influence the operating cost and penalize the profitability)
Dimensioning and choice of cementation processes if necessary (for the poorest ores in particular)
Our hydro-metallurgists, mining engineers and engineering partners are at your disposal to set up the most economical and profitable processing model. Whether it is a small mining operation or a large project
Sourcing, Rehabilitation
& Trading
Two activities are grouped under this heading:
sourcing and supply of equipment and products for research and mining: construction equipment, drilling rigs and tools, XrF analyzers and laboratory equipment. Let us know your needs and we will do our best to satisfy you
assistance in trading and exporting mining products and concentrates. MIRA International is not a trading company, but it puts local traders in touch with international buyers. MIRA International also provides management and IT services to help traders manage their markets in strict compliance with international regulations.
Philippe Mahé is a recognized expert in the world of metals and commodities trading and brings to Mira his experience and network of contacts
Resources & Reserves Evaluation
A "mineral resource" is a concentration or occurrence of material of economic interest in or on the earth's crust, in such form, quality and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, continuity and other geological characteristics of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge. Mineral Resources are subdivided, in order of increasing geological confidence, into Inferred, Indicated and Measured categories.
A "Mineral Reserve" is the economically mineable portion of a measured and/or indicated Mineral Resource. It includes dilution materials and allowances for losses that may occur when the material is mined. Appropriate assessments, which may include feasibility studies, have been completed and take into account and modify realistic mining, metallurgical, economic, commercial, legal, environmental, social and governmental factors. These assessments demonstrate at the time of reporting that extraction could reasonably be justified. Mineral reserves are subdivided in order of increasing confidence into probable mineral reserves and proven mineral reserves.
The estimation of resources and reserves is a long and complex process, which starts with the compilation of geological and geochemical data, supported by strict quality control, the use of powerful modeling and mapping software and above all by the skills of geologists experienced in these estimates.
The MIRA International team is able to provide an efficient service in the credible estimation of resources and reserves.

About us
Who are we ?
MIRA International is a privately owned company specialized in the exploration, development and exploitation of metallic and precious minerals
MIRA International provides specific equipment for mining, industry and laboratories.
MIRA International recruits and seconds qualified personnel for industry and research
MIRA International is the owner of the assets and experience of CSA-Consultants et gXe Conseil
Our statutes ?
All activities directly or indirectly related to the field of Mines and Hydrocarbons
Customs and Insurance, Import-export of all products and services
All activities relating directly or indirectly to the field of promotion, public relations, brokerage and trade
And, generally, all financial, commercial, industrial, movable and immovable operations, which can be directly or indirectly related to the above object or to all similar or related objects.
Our vision ?
To contribute to the development of the mining and industrial sector in Congo in the respect of international regulations, in particular conflict minerals
To allow foreign companies and investors to come to the Democratic Republic of Congo in safety and to make equitable profits for them and for the country.
To become a recognized player in mining and industrial development in Africa
Our mission ?
Honesty, integrity and professionalism are the foundations of our action
6 + ...
years of professional experience
countries traveled in Europe, Africa, Asia, Americas
expertise and exploration missions
and consultants
Our Partners

cabinet d'audit financier et comptable
Write us
For any questions call us on: +243 858910970 or send us a message below .
17 avenue Forgerons, Funa district
1234, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Tel 2: +243 85 891 0970
To apply, send your CV to the following email address: Mirainternational@gmail.om
WhatsApp: +336955668678